We had a really good week this week. We had 2 investigators at church and a couple of less actives and a recent convert. It was cool to see how each of them had a completely different little miracle that helped them to come.
After getting out of a meeting Sunday morning before church we FaceTimed a family member of a less active to help him wake up (we had gotten permission from the person we were waking up to do it the night before). We didn't think too much of it until his Grandma got up and in her testimony said that she had been praying for help waking him up just before we FaceTimed in, it was super funny to hear an old Jamaican woman tell that story over the pulpit.
Other than that the another cool thing that happened is that we set a date to do baptisms for the dead with our recent convert. He's super cool, he was baptized back in January after a bunch of amazing miracles happened in his and his wife's lives that finally motivated him to be baptized. On Friday we had great lesson with him about temples, family history work and proxy ordinances. Then two days later, in church, the lesson in priesthood was on the exact same subject but more in depth, it was another miracle coincidence. Super cool.
This last week was nice and normal, but this coming week will be anything but. By the next time I email we will have planned and carried out a meeting to train trainers, figured out transfers, welcomed 17 new missionaries, said goodbye to 12 and planned and carried out transfers. And with all that, I could totally still get transferred next week. Haha, this is a rollercoaster.
On Sunday Elder Mackintosh and I taught that Sunday School lesson that you cited. I loved reflecting on how great of parents you are. Don't think for a second that you weren't awesome parents. Of all the things I've learned and realized out here, one of the most obvious and powerful is that you two are fantastic parents and I've come to admire you as examples for how you've lived your lives. Thanks for being great!
Con Amor,
Elder Sam McBride
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